ratpoison window-manager: (goto ratpoison site) ratpoison is a 'mouse-free' window-manager for X, inspired by 'screen' (or read their 'inspiration' post).
My ratpoison setup contains the following useful(for me) lines: [download-textfiles]
--from ~/.ratpoisonrc:--
alias rat exec rat
alias ! exec exe2rat
bind d exec ratpoison -c "echo `cat /proc/apm | awk '{if ( $4 ~ /0x01/) {print \"On AC power\",$7} else {print \"On DC power\",$7}}'`"
-- ~/bin/rat --
ratpoison -c "echo `cat $*`"
-- ~/bin/exe2rat --
ratpoison -c "echo `$*`"
This very simple setup, allow you to write on the ratpoison ':' (colon)
:rat ~/*notes*
:rat /proc/int*
and get the output back. Similiarly typing
:! lapbatt
displays the laptop's battary state in a ratpoison frame.
The contents of 'lapbatt' are ofcourse what's written above bound to 'd', using the linux /proc/apm interface.
This is all very simple, but useful.