Suggested latinisation for modern Hebrew, revision 0.03, October 2003.
TODO: start with an example paragraph
The aim of this suggestion is to provide a standart latinisation of modern hebrew using standart ASCII characters, and a standart QWERTY keyboard without any software or hardware setup required.
This suggestion proposes a latinisation that uses the vowels and constinents system ie, the same currently used in most europian languages (English, German, French, Bulgarian, Finnish, Polish, Russian and so on). Also the system tries to be phoneticly-unambiguis and economic ,as well as easy to read and write in.
First we shall present the phonetics of our suggested latinisation, followed by rational and discussions we were thought. Feedback is most welcome.
the vowels:
- a - analogues to hebrew 'patax'
- e - hebrew 'segol'
- i - hebrew 'xirik'
- o - hebrew 'xolam'
- u - hebrew 'shuruk'
- ' - hebrew 'shva' followed by a vowel, kind of an 'anti-vowel', to be used only when when non-superflous - ie: the word 'lir'ot' (to see), to be used in the same cases where in hebrew script a shva is followed by aleph
examples with hebrew words (phonetic desc and SAMPA will follow)
- b - Bajit (a house) be 'á' (dguwa)
- c - Cipor (a bird) ce 'ö'
- d - Delet (a door) de 'ã'
- f - Funkcja (a function) ef 'ô' (rafa)
- g - Geshem (rain) ge 'â'
- h - Har (a mountain) hej 'ä'
- j - Jeled (a boy) jod 'é'
- k - Kir (a wall) ke '÷'
- l - Lir'ot (to see) el 'ì'
- m - Ma (what) em 'î'
- n - Nayal (a shoe) en 'ð'
- p - Perax (a flower) pe 'ô'
- q - meQil (contains) qaf 'ë' (rafa)
- r - Rosh (a head) ar 'ø'
- s - Sefer (a book) es 'ñ'
- t - Tipa (a drop) te 'è'
- v - Vered (a rose) ve 'å'
- w - Walom (peace) win 'ù'
- x - Xaver (a friend) xi 'ç'
- y - yim (with) yajin 'ò'
- z - Zman (time) zed 'æ'
sounds represented by two letters:
- ??
Other Notes:
- the diphtong (english tr) 'W', is represented by a pair of vowels, the first of which is 'U' ie, 'uala' 'uau' (todo: more examples)
- Capitalisation: The beginning of any word if an article (or externed article, or whatever it's called) is attached to it, example: maxshev (a computer) haMaxshev (the computer) baMaxshev (in the computer) sheMexashev (that a computer ...) shehaMaxshev (that the computer ...). Other rules such as names, first word in a sentence, loan-words etc, are so far implementation dependant.
- open question - how do we represent the sounds:
- (in english translition) 'CH' 'J' 'french J' ? using 'h' creates ambigoiutis , but maybe we can live with them, the way english lives with grasSHopper, (find an example w/o double 's')
- In this case 'CH' would be 'CH', 'english J' would be 'DH', 'french J' would be 'ZH', as in hebrew panCHer (a punctur) DHungel (a jungle) garaZH (a garage)
- todo: proper (not-by-example) phonetic explaination (ie 'q' - palatal, 'x' guteral etc..)
- TODO: write motivations behind decisions, + excuses, like we can use ' in the middle of a word, since it didn't hurt anyone in english, when using 's for example etc...
Reach me at: Oyd11 _at_ softhome _dot_ net