Disclaimer: I'm *very* ignorant about 'web' technologies and standarts I do not claim that the way I do things here is 'good' or 'proper' or whatever. I'm just trying to read and right hebrew text in a way that *seems* sensible to me. So technically, do not: trust me, count on what I'm saying, these web pages are proboably not 'portable' or 'good' or 'proper' or even valid-HTML proboably (as is (not) the rest of the site. Also, as you might notice, my spelling, is quite awful, and my 'grammar' may seem, let's say 'unorthodox', proboably in any language.
Oh, and people tend not to like my 'colour-schemes'.

Quick: mirrHeb.ttf.zipTrueTypeFonts

Alright. The next line should contain mirrored-hebrew letters. If you see them, cool, any further installation notes are a no-op.
Mirrored hebrew (just alpha-beth): (w/ HTML '&' thingy:) àáâãäå Or without: אבגדהוזחטיכל...

I'm using ISO-8859 style mapping, ie, MSB-high (8th bit on) chars in an 8bit per char text file is mapped to hebrew chars, I'm using the same mapping as 'ISO-8859-8' the standart hebrew chars. So you might for example, just see normal hebrew letters above instade of mirrored ones.

If you're using a 'graphical' web browser, like Mozilla, Internet-Explorer, Opera, and so on, you might install a true-type font with mirrored hebrew, I have some HERE.
Install the fonts:

Now, you need the browser to use the right decoding, which is just to pass plain vanilla 8bit chars.

If you're using a web-browser that's inside some kind of terminal emulator, you simply need to mirror-horizontly the chars in the range [224-250].
On WIN32, I've used PuTTY with the above TrueType fonts, and everything turns out alright, using Lynx, or anything to browse mirrored-hebrew htmls.
For 'textmode' terminals, once (about ten years ago) wrote an assembly script in x86/DOS that did it. Anyway, I don't have any ready fonts/utils in that case, but proboably I will make something...