If you have any comments or additions, please mail me: oyd11 _at_ softhome.net
- BiDi - is a *Non-Problem* ! Why waist time/resources on solving it?!
- BiDi - is congitivly-confusing for people! It breaks the reading/writing flow!
- BiDi is a techical solution for a socialogical problem!
- Reading mirrored-hebrew is easy!
- Reading reversed-non-mirrored hebrew is *hard* ! we auto-read false patterns, and so on! If you don't read hebrew, just try it with latin letters, reading in reversed-order, vs. reading mirrored text, which is easier?
- Our modern hebrew texts are not 'R-to-Left' they are mixed-direction, hence the problems
- Do a web-search on BiDi, you'll see how much effort is put into all this! and all the solutions are sub-optimal
My questions regard that statements above
- Didn't anyone else, in all these years of seeking computerised solutions for r-to-l langs ever try this solution? Has anyone tried mirrored arabic for example?
Technical questions:
- What does mirrored-hebrew actually look like?
= see: the screenshots page.
- What standatisation process is due? (HTML/HTTP tags, etc)
= I don't know, if you can share any knowledge about it, please do.
- Does mirrored hebrew has de-facto compatibilty with 'logical'-hebrew? How would bidi algorithms process mirrored-hebrew text?
= Yes, the actual hebrew text, is the same as the so called 'logical' hebrew, however, embedding of punctuation and latin letters is not, since the standart 'BiDi' algorithm, moves them around, if anyone has an idea of how to maximise compatibility, please post it.
Meta questions:
- It's hard for me to read mirrored hebrew/I make spelling mistakes that I can't even spot in mirrored hebrew, what should I do?
= You'd have to get used to some new patterns recondnitions, first with the letters, and then with word clusters. As a first step, you might try it using a non-mirrored font, reading your text in 'logical-hebrew' settings, and then with a mirrored font.
- Mirrored hebrew looks weird!
= Not everyone has to use mirrored hebrew, again, you can read mirrored hebrew pages with non-mirrored fonts, which'll render some typographical errors, but that not really new concerning hebrew on computers is it?
If you would like to solve this problem once and for all, try it, it doesn't really matter which direction we write does it? the important thing is just being concistant in order to avoid problems. Try it, it will not look so weird after a while.
- Mirrored hebrew is so cool! I want to use it all the time, but not many pages are avaliable!
= That might or might not change for a while. You can view non-mirrored pages with mirrored fonts, the problems will only be the normal BiDi side-effects, the hebrew text will still have the same legability.
- I want to write in mirrored hebrew, but I don't wish to encode a specific font-name into my document! I want the user's system to select 'any' mirrored hebrew font that might be installed, can I do that?
= I don't know, I sure do hope so! however, I did not find a standart to declare a 'class' of requested font or alphabet. If you know a standart way to do this, let us all know!